Tree Team

Free trees!

Do you live in St. Petersburg? Are you interested in a free tree to plant on your property and free tree-care training?

Once we are in a position to move ahead, we'll be in touch to see if there's a match!

Tree advocates

The Eckerd College Tree Team is a group of tree advocates working towards the creation of a local residential tree planting program that will promote environmental justice.

As temperatures rise with climate change, neighborhoods with fewer trees will suffer from higher temperatures. Our team aims to provide access to tree benefits to neighborhoods across St. Petersburg, especially those that are economically disadvantaged and/or in close proximity to our campus. The hope is to provide free tree plantings and tree caretaking training for citizens in order to grow our local urban tree canopy and tree species diversity. 

Student participation

Eckerd students serve as interns on the team. They are actively working to develop and implement our plan for a residential tree planting program.

In addition, students in a class led by Dr. Hilary Flower followed an innovative curriculum that connected an international-scale problem of tree loss with rich, hands-on, place-based, purpose-driven, problem-focused learning about making environmental change at the local level. 

Banana pups!

The Eckerd College Community Farm grows banana trees and they have pups to share with the local community! Let us know if you're interested in free pups

Team members