Tree Canopies Are Cool

Provide cooling effects

A tree is a natural air conditioner. The evaporation from a single tree can produce the cooling effect of ten room-size, residential air conditioners operating 20 hours a day

Save you $$Money$$

Trees cool surface temperatures so you can spend less time running air conditioning (and running up your electric bill!). Homes landscaped with trees sell more quickly and are worth 5-15% more than homes with none. Where entire streets are tree-lined, homes may be worth 25% more.

Improve your health

Trees reduce stress, speed up healing and remove harmful carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They clean drinking water and can even reduce crime! They also provide natural habitats for wildlife.

Wallet Benefits

  • Homes landscaped with trees sell quicker than homes without trees. Where an entire street is tree lined, home values may go up by 25%!

  • Trees cool surrounding and surface temperatures, which means less work for your air conditioner and lower electric bills.

Psychological Benefits

  • The color green is calming, and reduces eye strain

  • People walk and jog more on shaded streets, which allows more interactions with neighbors and a stronger sense of community!

  • Studies have shown that just a view of trees reduces stress!

Environmental Benefits

  • Trees cans cool a city by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit by providing shade and releasing water.

  • They can prevent water pollution as their roots can intercept and reroute substances like stormwater from getting into lakes and rivers.

  • Trees absorb odors and filter the air, giving living creatures (including us!) fresh, clean oxygen to breathe!

  • They absorb CO2, a main contributor of climate change.